My Moments of Joy #18

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These are the things which have been bringing me joy this week.

Monet and Architecture

I finally got along to the Monet and Architecture exhibition at The National Gallery.  Its one of a number of exhibitions on my summer hit list.  I feel that Monet was rather out of favour for a while, probably something to do with all those dodgy reproduction prints which every student had a copy of at one time.  I know I certainly did.  For me though, Monet has never gone out of favour.  I have always loved impressionism and in particular Monet’s use of colour and light. One of my favourite exhibitions a couple of years ago was ‘Painting the Garden, Monet to Matisse’ .  Although there is no lack of flowers and gardens, in this latest Monet exhibition, the focus is on structures and landmarks within his paintings.  There is a fabulous selection of paintings here.  Some of my favourites were set in villages in France.  I found my self looking at them dreaming of times spent in similar places in a different time, and rather wishing I was there again.  The palettes of many of the pictures were pastel, filled with a warm light which glowed from the canvas.  Despite the busyness of the exhibition the tranquility and peace which oozed from so many of the pictures more than made up for that.  I left this exhibition feeling very joyful indeed!

Painting in the evening.

I wrote last week of my plan to spend some time painting.  I love to lean new things, and one of the goals I set myself earlier this year was to start to paint.  A few weeks ago I attended a brilliant water colour painting class taught by Michelle from Roxwell Press where I learnt some basic skills.  I spent a very pleasant evening this week practicing techniques and attempting to paint pink carnations!  I clearly have lots to  learn but I’m loving the process and squeezing pink paint on to a clean pallet, then, with a clean paintbrush mixing it with blue to make violet and lavender is joyous!

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Home Grown Tomatoes

As mentioned last week, our garden is a somewhat brown right now, which is a little sad. However throughout the summer, I have been lavishing lots of tender loving care onto my little pot of three tomato plants.  This week I was rewarded as they produced their first fruits. We have not exactly been feasting on home grown tomatoes, there aren’t enough for that…yet, but there were enough to take to work for lunch one day this week, and to have as part of a tomato and avocado salad today which made me very happy.

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Have a joyful week X




  1. July 23, 2018 / 7:37 am

    The painting is beautiful Angie, really delicate. Well done xxx

    • angiev@blueyonder.co.uk
      July 24, 2018 / 5:47 am

      Thanks Margaret. I am very much a beginner, but its fun learning!

  2. Mum
    July 23, 2018 / 11:32 am

    Love your painting it’s really good and very impressed with your tomatoes. I have not had any red ones yet.

    • angiev@blueyonder.co.uk
      July 24, 2018 / 5:48 am

      Thanks Mum, I’m enjoying getting a paintbrush out and having a go! The tomatoes are delicious, I wish I had a few more plants now.

  3. July 26, 2018 / 11:30 pm

    I made it to the Monet exhibit today, it was down to the wire! loved seeing these works together, and my more recently-chosen favorite Monet (first seen at the Musee d’Orsay in Paris) was in this exhibit! That had me so excited. I forget the name but it’s the one with the national holiday celebration in Paris with all the French flags. 🙂

    And yes, nice on the painting. I think you have found your summer theme between Monet and your watercolor class. x

    • angiev@blueyonder.co.uk
      July 27, 2018 / 6:01 am

      Hi Beth, so glad you made it, I agrees being all those great works of art together was wonderful. I know exactly which painting you mean, its stunning isn’t it. You maybe right, monet and watercolours sounds like a good summer combination!

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