My Summer Holiday Reading List

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One of my favourite things about holiday preparation is thinking and planning my Summer holiday reading list.  Perusing bookshelves in book stores, consulting the lists of books I have made note of earlier in the year, and then making the final decision about what to squeeze into my luggage is all part of the holiday ritual.

This year I’m not going on holiday over the summer months, we are saving that for later in the year.  However I have still complied a summer reading list.  There are some books I definitely want to read before the autumn months begin. Summer lends itself to particular kinds of books. During summer I like  to read books which are set in summer or are  or are about places I’m visiting or have visited or indeed might want to visit.  Quite often in recent years, we have spent a wonderful week in France with friends.  We are not doing that this year but I have chosen books that will definitely get  me in the French mood and remind me of all the things I love about being in France. I’m also really enjoying quintessentially English novels this year so have included a couple of summery English novels choices in my list.

The Foundling Boy by Michel Deon

Set in Normandy in 1919, this is the story of a boys travels from France, into Europe and beyond and during a period of unimaginable change.  This fits the ‘saga’ category that I also like to include in any holiday reading.

A View of The Harbour by Elizabeth Taylor

I am yet to read any Elizabeth Taylor, and can’t wait to change that with this gorgeous cop of A View of the Harbour,  It is set on the coast and is a story of community and domestic life. One of my favourite kinds of stories.

Villa America by Liza Klaussmans

Set on the French Riviera in the 1920’s, this is a story of glitzy and glamorous life of a couple who count the likes of Hemingway and Zelda dn Scott Fitzgerald as friends.  The cover alone oozes glamour.

Wild Strawberries by Angela Thirkell

I read High Rising by Angela Thirkell at the end of last year and loved it.  I went on to buy Wild Strawberries for my mum for Christmas, she loved it and has passed it back to me to read (the gift that keeps on giving!)

In addition to these books I shall also be reading

Convenience Store Woman by Sayaka Murata.

I was given this a gift this week from a very kind friend who thought I would enjoy it.  It sounds like lots of fun and has a recommendation by Robin Sloan who wrote ‘Mr Penumbra’s 24 Hour Books Store‘ which I have previously read and love.

The Little Paris Book Shop by Nina George.

Despite my (half hearted) promise to myself not to buy any new books until I had made a good dent in the pile I already have, I couldn’t resist this when I saw it in my favourite local second hand book shop last week. A bookshop and Paris, I know i’m going to love this!

Three Things About Elsie by Joanna Cannon

This has been released in paper back this week and I can’t wait to get a copy.  I adored Joanna Cannons first novel The Trouble with Goats and Sheep.  It was definitely one of my books of last year.

So there you have it.  These are the books I intend to read over the next 6 weeks or so.  I’d love to know whats on your summer holiday reading list.  Do let me know in the comments below.

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  1. Karen
    July 28, 2018 / 9:32 pm

    Ooh, don’t consider that I have finished selecting but my current list is: Tin man -SarahWinman, The Accidental Tourist – Anne Tyler, French children don’t throw food – Pamela Druckerman and some Italian summer detection – Andrea Camilleri Inspector Montalbano xxx Have read Little Paris bookshop and had ‘Elsie’ in my hand just this week. Great looking choices, thanks Angie xx

    • angiev@blueyonder.co.uk
      July 30, 2018 / 7:51 pm

      You’ve got some great choices. Very pleased to see an Anne Tyler in there, I can’t remember if you have read her before? I hope you enjoy it. I really want to read Tin man too. I love Sarah Winman’s previous novels. A good choice of summer detective story too. Can’t wait to talk books with you soon…..X

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