My Moments of Joy #19

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As this beautiful summer continues there are so many things which are bringing me joy.  Every day I wake up to sunshine is a day to be joyful and thankful as far as I’m concerned.  And as I reflect on the week just gone and look at the things I have written in my journal, I realise that so much of what has made me joyful this week is linked to the sunshine, and nature in all its magnificent glory. Despite the parched landscape when every thing is bathed in the light of the sun, particularly at day break or at dusk, there is a special kind of beauty.

Because of the hot summer and because I love to run I have been going out often much earlier and later than usual. In  fact often in order to run at all and avoid the 30 degree temperatures which have become the norm this summer,  I have  had to step out early morning or late evening. Both of these times bring a particular kind of glow. The golden hour just before the sun sets is magical, but there is a gentleness to the early morning when the sun has been up for just a few short hours, but is yet to become harsh or glaring.

I had two completely different but equally gorgeous runs this week.  One on my own along the canal near where I live in London. Dappled sunlight on the inky water, swans gliding gently past and a few early morning canal boats making their way through the locks.  Then at the weekend, I went out for a very gentle early Sunday morning jog with my 7 year old nephew.  We ran along a tiny lane, with cornfields on either side, we watched a hare run hard and fast in front of us and we chatted together all the way.

Both mornings started with a certain kind of peace which I often think can only be found in nature, and both led to ‘ Thank you, I’m so glad to be alive on this beautiful morning feelings’.

Where ever your week takes you, may you find a little bit of joy in it.

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  1. August 5, 2018 / 11:29 pm

    Fabulous as always Angie. Love reading these so very much xx

    • angiev@blueyonder.co.uk
      August 8, 2018 / 9:36 pm

      Thanks Margaret xx

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