My Moments of Joy #25

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I have had lots of moments of joy over the past couple of weeks, since returning from our much looked forward to and much enjoyed trip to Costa Rica.  You can read more about that here.

I have been enjoying the cold, and even on occasion frosty starts to the day.  Although a little chilly, cycling to work when the sun is bright and the light is gentle is a real joy.  I love starting my day in this way and always feel so much more energised for it.

I have had a couple of visits to the Victoria and Albert Museum in the last week or so.  It is my favourite museum so it takes very little to get me to go there.  On one of the visits I went with my mother in law to see one of the current exhibitions, ‘Fashioned From Nature’.  We both loved this fascinating look at the complex relationship between fashion and nature from the 1600 until the present.  We both came away thinking a little more about how we consume clothes.

London is just beautiful right now.  I know I often say that, but with the autumn colours and the golden light, trees and buildings are illuminated and bathed in an amber glow.  I have really enjoyed wandering around the streets and both running and walking through our local park this weekend.  There is always something to see and enjoy.

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I have also has some lovely time to read and have finished another of the Miss Read Thrush Green series which I have been so enjoying this year.  I am now in the lovely position of deciding which book from my never shrinking pile of books to read next.

Suddenly we find ourselves in November, with the prospect of busy times ahead.  What every you have planned this week I hope you find many moments of joy.

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