Whether you love, loathe or feel indifferent about Christmas, I’m sure at times, you, like me find yourself seeking calm and peace, away from the general hubbub. However I’m feeling about Christmas, and that changes from year to year incidentally, I know the one thing that will always soothe, restore and uplift is a Christmas Carol Service.
Attending at least one Carol Service at Christmas, has been part of my Christmas tradition for as long as I can remember. I have attended many. From small local services by candlelight in the tiny village in Norfolk where I grew up to the cavernous St Paul’s Cathedral in London, they have always been special.
As I write this I am reminded of an occasion a couple of years ago when working in a hospital just a day or two before Christmas. I was on my way back to my office after seeing a patient when I literally bumped into one of the ever friendly hospital chaplains. He breathlessly asked me if I could step in for someone and do a reading at the hospital carol service that was about to start in the chapel. Immediately. Anyone who works in a hospital will know, the days before Christmas can be crazy and busy with little time to spare. And although my initial instinct was to say no, I in fact said Yes. It was probably the best decision I made that day. Suddenly I was forced to stop, put work to one side and just be still and listen to the oh so familiar Christmas story. I delivered my reading, and joined in with the singing of carols I have sung a thousand times before. It was lovely, and I walked back to my office feeling lighter and uplifted and peaceful, despite the heavy workload.
So when I think about finding peace at Christmas time, it is the carol service to which I turn. A Christmas carol service, whatever its size, can be a place of tranquility and calm. An opportunity to enjoy the magic of the Christmas story, reflecting on where it began. Not in a shopping mall or at a table groaning with food.
Whatever your beliefs, singing familiar songs, and listening to familiar words, enjoying the candlelight and calm can be very grounding, Time to stop, be still and listen. Simple things, but things which in a busy world and frenetic season are often forgotten.
There are some wonderful places to attend Carol Services in London over the next couple of weeks.
These are just a few of my suggestions. Click on the headings to discover more.
I adore this church in Trafalgar Suare in the heart of London and have enjoyed beautiful Christmas Eve Carol Services here in previous years.
The carol services at this church in pretty Richmond upon Thames are very special. Professional musicians, traditional carols by candlelight, and mulled wine and mince pies at the end of the service is a Christmas highlight for me every year.
All Souls has an impressive menu of Christmas carol services and concerts, something to suit everyone. Situated just north of Oxford Circus, at the top of Regent’s Street, it could so easily be combined with some last minute Christmas Shopping. Which is what I have previously done!
St Helens is gorgeous church tucked away in the city of London, with the eponymously named Gherkin building as its neighbour. They have morning, evening, lunchtime and midweek carol services. Something for everyone!
If you want to celebrate Christmas in one of London’s most famous landmarks, then head to Westminster Abbey. All of the services are free but I would recommend going early if you want to get in, these get very busy.
Another iconic building in which to celebrate Christmas, St Paul’s has a busy Christmas calendar and like Westminster Abbey I would recommend going early to get in.
Whoever you are, and wherever you live, I would encourage you too to seek peace at a Christmas Carol Service this year,
Looking forward to the carol services at Duke St Angie xxxx