Moments of Calm

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So this was the week I went back to work.  The broken wrist is repairing well. It is held together by an impressive assortment of nails and plates and is still in a splint for a while longer, but  its moving in the right direction.  Consequently my first day back at work dawned.  The unexpected time away from work was definitely not part of my end of year plan, but as we all know lots of things happen along the way which are not part of our plans.

After I had accepted that work was not an option for a few weeks, I was able to relax and use the unexpected time to my advantage, so that suddenly it felt like a gift. A time to find lots of bonus moments of calm.

January is a natural time for reflection and planning, and not working gave me time to look back on the year just gone and think about the one ahead.

Preparing for the Year ahead and Setting Goals

I spent some proper time in the last week or so making plans, some longer term but lots for the here and now.  Although I love impromptu things, I find that when life gets busy I feel calmer and more in control if I have a plan for the week ahead at least. I am a list maker, so a time to sit down with my new planner, a pen and lists of things I want to make happen has been useful and I feel calmer and more energised because of it.

Meal Planning

I find that even having at least a vague plan for what we will eat for the coming week is useful.  It leads to less of those get home from work, open the fridge and stand and stare moments.  It means we tend to waste less and eat more healthily.  So meal planning has been happening this week along side, blog, instagram and holidays.


Being out in the open air is important mentally and physically.  Usually running and my cycle commute are a big part of how I exercise and get ‘fresh’ air during the week. Because of the broken wrist, (which I have probably mentioned far too often now), neither of those activities have been an option. Thankfully walking has been.  So I have done lots of walking which has definitely helped prevent me losing all fitness.  Just as importantly, it has helped keep my mind on track.  Walking is an excellent way of thinking and processing and finding calm.  Often ideas come to me when I’m walking and I quite enjoy  a solo walk.

Like most things however, doing them with someone doubles the enjoyment. Yesterday I had a lovely walk on Hampstead Heath with my husband.  It was grey and a bit drizzly, but we didn’t mind.  I love the heath any time of year but in January there is an appealing bleakness.  I like the bare trees, resting and preparing themselves for their moment in spring when they burst back into life.  There is a welcome restfulness at this time of year.

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I will be writing more about walking and in particular walking ‘mindfully’ soon.  I hope you have time to stop and pause this week too.



  1. January 14, 2019 / 9:13 am

    I don’t think that’s going to happen this week Angie – I’m already exhausted just thinking about it! But the walking sounds good – I really must make more effort to walk by the river (it couldn’t be any nearer!) though xx

    • angiev@blueyonder.co.uk
      January 15, 2019 / 5:09 pm

      Thats true, you have a beautiful walk right on your doorstep!

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