Bibliotherapy: Books to Read when Seeking Mr / Mrs Right


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Symptom: Seeking Love

Cure: Novels where love does not always run smoothly

It is Valentines day this week, that day of the year when we supposedly celebrate love and romance.  Or some might say, the day of the year when flowers cost double the usual price and the card shops make a killing.  Whichever your take on it, it is often now that hearts turn to love, and the consideration of the whereabouts of Mr /Mrs Right.  If you find yourself frustrated at the lack of Mr or Mrs Right, and longing for a special, romantic someone in your life, then may I suggest you turn to the following books.  Each, optimistically romantic but also a clear reminder that the path of finding your one true love rarely runs smoothly.

Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen

“It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife”

                 – Jane Austen Pride and Prejudice

This, for very good reasons is perhaps one of the most quoted opening lines in literature.  Few have written more wisely on the subject of love than Jane Austen.  And, so it is to Jane we turn first as we consider the necessary ups and downs of seeking Mr or Mrs Right.  The courtship between Elizabeth and Darcey does not go smoothly.  Love eventually comes but it takes, wayward sisters, arrogance and some very awkward meetings before Elizabeth is able to accept Mr Darcy’s proposal.

The Time Travellers Wife by Audrey Niffenegger

Clare and Henry first meet when she is 6 and he is 36.  They are married when she is 22 and he is 30.  This is only possible because Henry suffers from a  rare condition when means he is constantly travelling backwards and forwards in time.  Their love is impossibly romantic but frequently stopped in its tracks because of Henry’s time travelling.  Although they find love early on, holding onto it proves to be tricky at times. Despite this they have the most beautifu, tender relationship. This novel shows  that despite what may seem like insurmountable obstacles finding the right one at the right time is possible.

Bridget Jones Diary by Helen Fielding

“It is a truth universally acknowledged that when one part of your life starts going okay, another falls spectacularly to pieces.”

– Bridget Jones

Bridget Jones Diary is very closely based on Pride and Predjudice and If ever there was a novel which tracked the ups and downs of finding Mr Right this is it.  Bridget is a 30 something living in London. She finds her self in frequently embarrassing situations as she navigates on / off relationships with the dastardly Daniel Cleaver and the self righteous, but worthy, human rights lawyer Mark Darcy.   Reading this may help you realise that a life of singledom may in fact be preferable, it will also make you laugh which is an excellent cure for any troubling love symptom.

Happy Valentines Day!

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