Cure: Bookish equivalents of chicken soup
The common cold is one of the most annoying and inconvenient of ailments, I’m sure you’ll agree. Rarely bad enough to take time off work, but miserable enough to make you feel groggy and generally below par. Having a cold tends to dull the senses, everything becomes little bit more fuzzy, taste, hearing, and in my case, my brain and ability to concentrate too. In fact most concentration is centred on attempting to stem the flow of the runny nose, reaching for tissues and applying lip balm. Which, is why the books I am recommending are easy to read, comforting and will provide the necessary salve to a red nose and aching head. These books will cosset you in the same way as nursery food and warm blankets
Anne of Green Gables by LM Montgomery
Reading books we read as a child can be a great comfort, especially when blocked up with a cold. The joyous Anne of Green Gables could provide the literary cure for so many physical and emotional ailments, but I think Anne is perfect for those cold filled days. She is warm and funny and heart warming and familiar. Your brain won’t be taxed as you lose yourself in the pages of one of the most delightful stories. She may not stop your nose running but the feeling of warmth and good will she brings will certainly distract you.
The Mitford Murders by Jessica Fellows
Cosy is what is called for when a cold strikes. A gentle crime novel with enough mystery to keep you guessing, but with nothing too violent or offensive to make you recoil under the duvet. I think The Mitford Murders fits the bill perfectly. A murder, large houses, and secrets all played out in a very upstairs-downstairs fashion. Short chapters makes this very easy to pick up and put down between coughing episodes too! (I reviewed this book some months ago)
At Home in Mitford by Jan Karon
The village of Mitford is set in the midst of green hills the air is pure and the people are kind and lovable. Father Tim the bachelor rector and his lumbering dog are the stars of this series of novels. Father Tim’s kindness and gentle nature will soon have you back on the road to recovery in not time as wander thought this quaint, sunny village with him at your side. On some occasions this may feel too saccharine but when you have a cold, its all about comfort, and there is bucket loads of that to be found here, amongst the baskets of apple pies and pot roasts, and home baked cakes.
The No. 1 Ladies Detective Series by Alexander McCall Smith.
Immerse yourself in the wonderful world of Mma Precious Ramotswe and the detective agency she runs in Botswana. She is guaranteed to make you smile and feel warm inside, both of which are excellent remedies for the common cold.