Moments of Calm

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Early Morning Reading

One of the things I have been doing a over the last couple of weeks is getting up a little earlier so I can enjoy some reading before I go to work.   Getting up in the summer when the mornings are light and bright is generally so much easier anyway.  I often get up a little earlier to run or write before work but giving a little bit of extra time to one of my favourite activities has been a lovely calm way to start the day.  The only down side is I tend to become engrossed in my book, read a little too long and then find myself rushing to leave the house on time, if not a little late! Suddenly it doesn’t feel quite so calm.

Water Colouring

One of my promises to myself this year was to regularly practice watercolour painting.  Earlier in the year I attended my second class with Michelle from Roxwell Press which was completely inspiring. I came home more determined than ever to try and paint regularly.  That combined with a birthday present of some  blank watercolour postcards has meant I have been managing to paint a little bit more.  I do love it and find myself completely absorbed when mixing colour and trying to create images of flowers (my favourite subject),  It has been a lovely calm way to spend a few hours recently.

Sweet peas

I adore Sweet peas.  They smell delicious and bring back so many memories of grandparents and summer gardens.  Until now we have never successfully grown them.  This year however, we finally have a wonderful display.  Green stems and tendrils intertwined and emenating a mass of pinks and purples and blues with the most delicious smell. Picking them and bringing them into the house has been a total joy.  Each time I come home I bury my nose in a jug of them to inhale the unmistakable scent of summer.  Instant calm!

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Have a delicious week!

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