Over the last couple of weeks I have really been making the most of the weather (when I’m not at the 9-5 that is). I try to be outside whenever I can. As I have said many times before eating outside during the summer is one of my favourite things. Living in London, I appreciate how fortunate we are to have a lovely garden of our own. When I am at home I spend as much time in it as possible. With Wimbledon fortnight just drawn to a close, this has meant watching tennis on the small screen of the i-Pad in the evening light. Most of my blog posts will be written outside in my garden at the moment, and whenever possible I always take a turn around the garden with a cup of tea before I go to work. Admittedly our garden isn’t very big so this doesn’t take long!
Morning Coffee
A few days ago I found myself sitting outside a cafe in Primrose Hill in the early morning light. Sipping a latte and planning my summer blog content felt very calming especially the tube journey to get there had been hot and stuffy! The shops had not yet opened and I happily sat watching people wander by with children or dogs or mobile phones or more often than not all three. I was on a blissful day off with no particular pressures on my time for a a few hours and feeling very lucky indeed.
The View from Primrose Hill
I love London’s parks at any time of year and I would find it very hard to choose a favourite. Taking yourself into one of the parks is always a relaxing thing to do and a great way to escape the crowds. Regents Park is perhaps one of the most interesting parks as it has so much within it including a zoo! It also has Primrose Hill on it’s Northern side. A warm walk to the top of this me with lovely views of London on a hazy but very warm morning. It is such a peaceful spot and a good place to sit for a while. A pause at the top for a few minutes was time well spent indeed.
Read about some of my other moments of calm and do share with me your own.
Wishing everyone a beautiful week.