Moments of Calm

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Sunday Afternoon Walks.

One of the things I try to do whatever the season and the weather is find time for a walk on a Sunday afternoon.  It has become very much part of mine and my husbands weekend routine when we are at home.  Not only does it allow for the extra eating which inevitably happens at weekend but its a good opportunity to become more aware of our surroundings, enjoy the changes that are happening and chat about the week ahead.  Walking is great for clearing the head and making plans I always find.  I loved Osterley park over the summer when it was brimming with colour and flowers. Now most of those flowers have long gone but there is still a lovely stillness and beauty to these ever chaining gardens that never fail to make me fell calmer.

A Return to Routine

September and October were busy months with lots of travel and adventure, a trip to Trinidad with my job being one of the highlights.  I had lots of fun during those months but it has been pleasing over the last couple of weeks to return to a little more routine again.  I have reestablished my usual running / exercise routine and have had more time to write and read. All things which make my head feel a little calmer.

Making Plans

I was fortunate enough this week to have an afternoon to spend in the delightful pursuit of writing lists and planning!  Along with lost routine my plans for the next couple of months, particularly with regards to my writing life had gone awry.  Thank you to lots of tea, notebooks and an afternoon alone I now have a blog plan that should see me through to the end of the year and lot of lists of things I need to go and places I need to visit.

I’m feeeling calmer already!  Have a wonderful week.

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