Bibliotherapy: Books to Read When You Don’t Fit In

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Symptom: Feel like you don’t fit in

Cure: Books which celebrate the joy of being different

All of us have those moments when we feel we just don’t fit in.  Sometimes this can be a positive thing.  There are some groups or situations we might find ourselves in when we would much rather not fit in.  Mostly however, the feeling of being an outsider or not fitting in is somewhat uncomfortable.  We are likely to berate ourselves for being different or not interesting / pretty / intelligent / funny (delete which apply to you).  In these cases feelings of self worth can be come low and self criticism sets in.  None of which is helpful.  How boring life would be if we were all the same.  Life is made far more interesting by the quirky, the different and the just plain bonkers.  Not fitting in can be a positive experience just as I hope you will find these books illustrate.  All are about characters, who are a little different for all sorts of reasons and don’t immediately fit in.  And yet each of them bring something unique and beautiful to the world.  Not fitting in can be a good thing, I hope you’ll agree.

Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine by Gail Honeyman

Eleanor Oliphant, the namesake of the books title is independent and self sufficient.  She is funny and quirky and fiercely intelligent.  She dares to be different and remains true to herself.  Some beautiful relationships develop despite her attempts to remain isolated.  Her differences prove to be her greatest gifts.  She is recognised for her unique take on life and through her unusual outlook on life finds others who love her, respect her and accept her for all she is.

Convenience Store Woman by Sayaka Murata

This is set in Japan where there is pressure to get married and have a proper job. The convenience store woman is Keiko who happens to work in just such a store where the routine and organisation bring her joy.  Initially she bows to pressure and tries to make changes to her life to help her fit in and be accepted.  Eventually she sees she doesn’t need to.  She is unique an special just the way she is.

Anne of Green Gables

The glorious red headed, feisty orphan  Anne is a wonderful lesson in the joy that can come from being different and not instantly fitting in  (of course she has her fair share of mishaps as a result of this too).  When Anne arrives at Marilla and Matthew’s farm, the fact that she is not the nice boy they had ordered means she immediately does not fit in.  Ann described her self as ‘so homely that nobody would want to marry me – unless you might be a foreign missionary’.  She has a terrible temper, a head of bright red hair and an imagination which means she never stops talking.  She is dramatic and wildly different. She lives in a world of books and words and poetry and is laughed and mocked for her differences.  And just like Eleanor and Keiko it is these differences and inability to fit in which lead to wonderful adventures.  Of course these also lead to gorgeous Gilbert too.  And if you don;t know what I’m talking about then you absolutely have to read this gorgeous book to find out.

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  1. Karen
    January 24, 2020 / 7:36 am

    Love, too, the children’s book that celebrates this – Stories for boys who dare to be different – about real people who ‘didn’t fit it’! Thanks Angie xx

    • angiev@blueyonder.co.uk
      January 27, 2020 / 9:28 pm

      Oh thats a great suggestion too. xx

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