Moments of Calm

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We are now firmly embedded into February.  January is done and dusted and there are little promises of spring all around us.  Apart from picking  up cold / winter bug in the last days of January it was a good month for me.  I have written before about how I enjoy the calm, clean feel of January as an antidote to the excesses of Christmas.  This year January has served me well and helped prepare me for the rest of the year which for lots of reasons is going to be filled with some lovely busy times.

Winter Blossom and First Signs of Spring

There is little more uplifting when in the throes of winter than an unexpected blue sky, crisp air and the sight of some winter blossom.  Flowers of any kind always make me smile but the sight of the first snow drops or delicate pink blossoms clinging to branches is particularly special and truly one of the loveliest things

January Culture

I have already had a good cultural year, with ballet, theatre, and  a few exhibitions.  Its always fun to visit exhibitions with other people and to discuss what you are seeing whilst wandering around.  I must confess though I absolutely love visiting an exhibition on my own from time to time.  With no obligation or pressure I enjoy wandering from one painting or exhibit to another with no agenda other than my own.  Viewing at my own pace and in what ever order I please is always an hour or two calmly spent.

Afternoons Spent Reading

Reading at home on a winter’s afternoon or evening always feels indulgent, but because its often dark and cold outside by 4pm also completely legitimate….not that I would ever class reading as illegitimate.  Because I was a little under the weather last week I certainly spent more time sitting and reading than I normally would and have already read some excellent books this year.  One advantage of the dreaded winter common cold!

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