Bibliotherapy: Books To Make You Believe in Love

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Symptom: Doubting True Love Exists

Cure: Books to Make you Believe in Love Again

As another Valentines day has come and gone did you find yourself mocking the abundance of red roses and frothy pink decorations adorning every shop window?  Do you find your self rolling your eyes every time another loved up couple insist on sharing their ‘perfect’ relationship on  Facebook.  Are you more aquatinted with romantic cynicism than romantic gestures?  If the is you then I suspect you are doubting the existence of true love.  And, if this is the case then this prescription of books to melt your cold heart and restore you belief romantic love is just whats need.  I think each of the books prescribed below will have you back on your romantic feet in no time at all.

The Time Travellers Wife by Audrey Niffenegger

Clare and Henry first meet when she is 6 and he is 36.  They are married when she is 22 and he is 30.  This is only possible because Henry suffers from a  rare condition when means he is constantly travelling backwards and forwards in time.  Their love is impossibly romantic but frequently stopped in its tracks because of Henry’s time travelling.  Although they find love early on, holding onto it proves to be tricky at times. Despite this they have the most beautifu, tender relationship. This novel shows  that despite what may seem like insurmountable obstacles finding the right one at the right time is possible.  True love can exist however complicated life can be.

Bridges of Madison County by Robert James Waller

This is the story of an unexpected and deep love between a farmers wife and a photographer.  The moment they meet they recognise a soul mate in each other.  What follows is a brief but beautiful four days of such intense love it takes your breath away.  This book has had lots of bad rap for being overly sentimental.  I don’t agree I think it is beautiful and all the more so because of the depth of feeling which is captured in such a short volume.

The Notebook by Nicholas  Sparks

This gorgeous story of a life time of love was inspired by the authors grandparents who were together for over 60 years.  In The Note book Noah reads the story of a young couple who had once been in love but not seen each other for 14 years.  They are eventually reunited and go on to live a life together.  The reader is eventually told that Noah is reading the story of their life to his wife who has Alzheimers.  Through reading the story they are again, for a short time able to share some wonderful memories.  This is a story of love which was destined to be and despite separation and ill health remains unchanged.  Gorgeous in every way.

….and if none of these work for you and you, can I direct you to this utterly romantic Valentine Poem by the utterly fabulous Wendy Cope.

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