Moments of Calm

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How was last week for you? I hope it was a good one and despite the visits we had from storm Ciara and storm Dennis you managed to find some moments of calm.

Dinner cooked for me!

I am the chief cook in our house.  Mainly because I really enjoy cooking and my husband doesn’t.  He’s better at the washing up, so I cook and he does the bit I don’t like doing.  It works for us.  A frequent conversation between those of us that do most of the cooking is agreement on the difficulty of coming up with ideas of what to cook night after night. Despite mostly planning ahead it still takes a certain amount of effort and planning.  This is a round about way of saying my husband cooked on Valentines day, so I could recline with a glass of wine.  Once I had got over my annoying tendency to want to intervene (take over) it was a relaxing and mostly calm evening!

Hunkering Down

January is my main month for hunkering down but with the storms over the last two weekends, hunkering down was very much the order of the day and night.  Shutting out the weather, and cosying up with books and tea has been lovely over the last week or so.

An Evening at Hatchards Book Shop

I do love an author event and find listening to authors talking about their books both inspiring and relaxing.  A visit to one of my all time favourite bookshops last week to listen to Francesca Wade talk about her new book ‘Square Haunting’ was a real treat.  Its a book I know I’m going to love and will certainly share with you here.

As Monday morning dawns all too quickly, I wish you a happy and calm week.

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