Cultured Calm: Coronavirus Cultural Fix

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So how are you?  This is the most often asked question at the moment isn’t it, and one we are regularly asking our family and friends with genuine interest and concern right now.

I’m genuinely and generally ok, most of the time.  Like everyone I’m learning to live in a slightly different way and trying to make it the best I can.  Like most of you reading this, there have been many disappointments with cancelled trips, holidays, and times planned with friends and family.  My calendar has become a series of crossings out, and other than work, any appointment I do have is via Zoom or FaceTime.

There were so many cultural outings and visits I had been planning this year which like everything else have gradually slipped off the schedule.  However, all is absolutely not lost.  It seems that many of London’s biggest galleries and museums and Theatres are pulling out all the stops to ensure us culture vultures can still get our coronavirus cultural fix.

I have gathered together some of my favourite cultural offerings to share with you.  So, together we can enjoy incredible art, beautiful ballet, and daring dance all from the comfort of our favourite armchair.

Theatre and Dance

The National Theatre

I love the National Theatre and regularly chide myself for not going to see enough of their productions.  From 2nd April for 1 week, they will be broadcasting One Man Two Guvnors starring James Corden.  I was lucky enough to see this not he stage and I can vouch for it being probably the most hilarious piece of theatre I have ever seen

From then on they will show a different play each week.

The Royal Opera House

One of my favourite London venues.  A visit here is always  treat.  As part of #ourhousetoyourhouse, they are currently showing Peter and The Wolf on their You tube channel.  It is  performed by The Royal Ballet and for a treat I  will watch it at the weekend!

The Royal Ballet Online

Watching ballet dancers rehearse is incredibly calming.  I really recommend watching the rehearsals and practice on You tube.  Its incredibly mesmerising and a real insight into the hard work and dedication it takes to be part of the Royal Ballet



The Garden Museum

This was one of my favourites from last year and a lovely discovery.  I was so looking forward to seeing their current exhibition Sanctuary: Artist-Gardeners 1919-1939 Of course it is now currently closed to visitors. However very generously The Garden Museum have made the exhibition catalogue free to access on line.  I have had a brief look but plan to peruse in a bit more depth over the next few days.  It looks beautiful and a lovely way of bringing the garden inside.

The Victoria and Albert Museum

Have you seen the TV series ‘Secrets of the Museum’?  If not, then do catch up with it on i-player.  Its a great watch and a fascinating insight into the people and objects which make up my favourite museum.


The Royal Academy of Arts

Gauguin and the Impressionists: Masterpieces from the Ordrupgaard Collection is another exhibition I had been really looking forward to.  Although the whole exhibition is not available online, The Royal Academy have put together some 60 second videos which give a little taster.  There are also other great videos on the website including some of the Picasso and Paper exhibition.

The National Gallery

The National Gallery has some great website content, including the 30 must see paintings from its collection which you can view comfortably from your own living room!

Frida Kahlo Online Exhibition

The Frida Kahlo exhibition which was on at the V&A last year was an absolute highlight.  It is now possible to see some of the exhibits from this exhibition as part of a 800 piece interactive collection online.  Its available via Google arts and Culture and is brilliant.  The glorious patterns and colors of Frida are just what I want right now.

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I hope this give you a little taster of all the culture that is freely available right now. I’m always on the lookout for other things too, so do share any recommendations in the comments below.


  1. Carolyn Vincent
    April 3, 2020 / 8:41 am

    The Ballet was wonderful Angie – I hadn’t realised that so much was available on-line. Thank you.

    Haven’t quite finished watching the theatre production, but there again it does look really funny. Hope you’ve recovered from your exciting birthday celebrations.

    much love
    Carolyn xx

    • angiev@blueyonder.co.uk
      April 12, 2020 / 9:40 pm

      So glad you enjoyed the ballet. Isn’t it wonderful to watch. There is so much streaming at the moment. We are spoilt with all the online culture!

  2. Carolyn Vincent
    April 3, 2020 / 8:43 am

    Thank you for posting the link to the Royal Ballet! Brilliant. The theatre production with James Corden is also very good! Thanks a lot, and hope you’re recovering from your Birthday celebrations. love Carolyn xx

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