Moments of Calm

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How are you all doing out there.  Is life feeling tough and confusing and scary?  Or have you settled into a routine and found ways of coping day to day.  I have a very clear routine from Monday to Friday when I am still working, and despite the challenges of work I suspect that helps.  The weekends are of course different, but even then we have established a routine that helps us make the best of this time.  This doesn’t mean anxieties don’t creep in from time to time.  They do for me, as I’m sure they do for you too.  Finding calming moments or activities is one of my ways of managing the uncertainty of the day to day.

Picking Flowers

One of the things I am really missing is regularly buying flowers to have in our home.  I have a favourite flower stall I usually buy from which is of course now closed.  I know flowers can be bought in supermarkets but I’m not really going to them if I don’t have to.  Instead I have been raiding our garden and our absent student neighbours garden for things I can bring into the house.  This week we have had lilac, bluebells and forget me nots.  I have also noticed the cow parsley on one of our regular run / walk routes is now in full throes, so I shall be dragging some of that home too to stick in jam jars.


Food had become much more of a preoccupation of late.  Where to buy it, what to do with it, how to substitute ingredients and what to cook next.  From talking to friends and family, I don’t think I’m the only one.  Baking has been one of the things I have done every weekend since lockdown began.  I’m normally a keen baker,  but with more time I have been able to peruse recipe books and online recipes at will.  Last weekend peanut butter, banana, and chocolate granola and quiche, this weekend a fruit cake.


The wisteria in London has literally exploded this week.  There are a proliferation of scented blooms everywhere.  I absolutely love everything about wisteria.  The colour, the scent, and the way they stop you in your tracks and the delicacy of the flowers.  This week on my way to work I have stopped more than once on the same cycle ride to bury my nose in delicate fronds.  On our Sunday morning walk, we went especially early to take full advantage of them blooming in our local park in Ealing.  Nature really is where I’m finding lots of calm moments right now.

Wishing everyone a safe and happy week x

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  1. April 26, 2020 / 7:54 pm

    Our family home in Chiswick was surrounded with wisteria Angie, it has very poignant memories for me xxx

    • angiev@blueyonder.co.uk
      April 27, 2020 / 9:31 pm

      Oh how lovely. It smells so gorgeous too xx

  2. Carolyn Vincent
    April 27, 2020 / 11:14 am

    We have wisteria here too. It is such a cheery thing. Love and hugs to you Angie and Tim xx

    • angiev@blueyonder.co.uk
      April 27, 2020 / 9:32 pm

      It really is. It is short lived but I think that makes it even more special. Lots of love to you both too xx

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