Moments of Calm

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So how are we all doing after however many weeks its now been?  I’m now not watching the news very much as it just leads to frustration and I’ve also stopped counting the number of weeks all this has been going on. Maybe for similar reasons.

My answer to the above question would be, ‘mostly ok’, but without doubt, some days or even bits of days feel harder than others.  I had one of those days just recently. No particular reason although I do suspect the actions of the PM’s chief advisor Dominic Cummings and an abandoned run had something to do with it.  I guess that’s how it is, there isn’t always rhyme or reason to how we are feeling, some times we are just not feeling it.

Days Off

We have had a lovely few days off work.  We should have been travelling in Russia last week (imagine!) but obviously couldn’t do that.  We decided to take a couple of the days off work anyway and have a short ‘holiday at home’  This happily coincided with the bank holiday weekend so it turned into 5 lovely ‘free’ days’.  Even though we didn’t go very far,  in fact, nowhere we couldn’t run, walk or gently cycle to, it was such calm and relaxing time.  Of course the glorious weather we are having in the UK helps.  There has been time to behave as if we really were on holiday, with early evening drinks, fish and chips, books and sunshine.  A real tonic.

Early Morning Rising

Despite the government’s ‘relaxing of the rules’, my preference for the moment (other than when at work of course) is to be where other people are not!  This has meant getting up early to go to our favourite park and walk along the river.  This has been an absolute delight.  Again the weather, the early morning sunshine and the gentle light has been a real treat.  Much calmer to walk where there are few people and see everything at the beginning of the day when it is fresh and unspoiled

Virtual Chelsea Flower Show

Although I didn’t have tickets for Chelsea this year, it has become a summer tradition for many years to watch it on the TV if not able to visit.  In recent years I’ve really enjoy visiting Chelsea in Bloom, where many shops in Chelsea and Belgravia are decorated with the most staggering floral displays during Chelsea weeek.  Watching the films and clips on the virtual Chelsea website has been a regular evening pass time this week. Drooling over the designer’s gardens, and watching demonstrations on flower pressing and dressing a table for a dinner party have been gentle ways to while away a little time.

So it is back to work tomorrow for me.  As ever, I go with some mild trepidation, but this week I will also go feeling restored and refreshed and calm…for the moment anyway!

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  1. May 26, 2020 / 6:26 am

    Ohh I relate so much with the second point you made! I’ve always liked waking early but yes, in the earlier weeks of quarantine especially, I found that getting up earlier helps me to go out freely without worrying about walking into people. 🙂

    I love the sense of calm and bliss in your blog. <3 have a lovely week.

    Joanne | With Risa

    • angiev@blueyonder.co.uk
      June 2, 2020 / 10:16 am

      Hello Joanne, thank you for your kind comments. I hope that you are doing well as hopefully things are improving. I really like your blog too, so many beautiful images.

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