Moments of Calm

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I’m sure its not just me who is starting to feel a little anxious all over again.  There seems to be a renewed sense of trepidation about what’s to come, and no matter how calm and rational I am by nature, trying to quell anxiety about this pandemic is taking some effort.  It is clearly not over yet…..

This week has also brought a number of stresses, of a somewhat technical nature.  I am busy preparing to send out my first Changing Pages newsletter.  (Thank you if you have already signed up – and if you haven’t received confirmation do check your junk /spam, It could be there!)

As you might have gathered from this alone, creating it or should I say the technical creation of it has proved somewhat frustrating on occasion.  Just as I think I have sorted one technical issue, another one comes along to challenge me.  I have had to take some deep breaths, swallow my pride and ask my more technically minded husband for help.  Thankfully he is very calm and patient.  Thankfully the writing and creative part of the process is much more relaxing!

As is the way when I am ‘fraught’ I turn to writing, running and nature.  All of these keep me grounded and restore calm and equilibrium.  Writing blog posts and scribbling in my journal after a lovely run by my local canal was just what I needed earlier this week.

The weather remains glorious and these sweet September days have lent themselves to days out of doors.  I have been completely resorted this weekend, managing to kayak on, and walk beside the River Thames; sit in the sunshine with a book and visit the beautiful gardens of the National Trust’s Greys Court near Henley.

Calm has been restored, at least for now

Wishing everyone a peaceful week ahead X

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  1. September 20, 2020 / 10:34 pm

    Let’s hope our fears come to nothing Angie.
    Hope you had a fabulous weekend

    • angiev@blueyonder.co.uk
      September 24, 2020 / 6:44 pm

      Absolutely xx

  2. September 21, 2020 / 2:34 pm

    So glad to hear calm has been restored. This surreal world we are living in at the moment has certainly brought up and down days for me and like you, I turn to the things that bring me joy and a sense of balance. I also wanted to leave a comment to say how much I always enjoy reading your blog and IG posts – the calm stories you share are just wonderful. All the best!

    • angiev@blueyonder.co.uk
      September 24, 2020 / 6:45 pm

      Hi Liz, thank so much for your very kind comments. I am so glad you enjoy my blog and instagram. A sense of calm is exactly what I hope to give so knowing that you find both joy and balance in what I post makes me very happy. Have a lovely weekend xx

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