Moments of Calm

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How is everyone doing?  In some ways things don’t feel any different in Lockdown 2.0, particularly with the volume of traffic that seems to be passing our house at the moment.  In other ways things feel harder.  I suspect because we had the sweet taste of life becoming a bit more normal again, only to have lots of those things snatched from us.  And of course we are all still living with the uncertainty of what will happen next.   Will Christmas as we know it happen?  I am missing seeing friends and family, zoom never really cut it although it helped before.  I suspect now we are all just a little bit over it.  I am also missing museums and galleries and bookshops and our church (which is now online again).

It does mean however that in my little corner of West London, when not at work, I have been filling the days with things which are calming and bring joy.

Cookery Books

I love cookery books and have shelves packed with them.  I love reading them as I would any other book, except there is probably more drooling involved.  In winter thoughts turn to comfort food and baking and of course, if its not too early to mention it, Christmas cooking.  So I have been wallowing in cookery books over the last few weeks, meal planning and meal dreaming!  Diana Henry is a current favourite and Nigella is an always favourite.  However if I was going to recommend any book for this time of year than the wonderful Nigel Slater’s Christmas Chronicles would be it.  This book reads like a diary and starts around now going right through to mid January.  I adore his writing but this is such a delicious book and reading a little excerpt each day is perfect.


Running has been really important to me in the last few weeks and I have been enjoying it more than I have for a while.  Although I am definitely a summer girl, I think I might prefer winter running.  There is something about returning home from a run with zingy cheeks and then hopping in to a hot shower. This week I took myself on a leisurely  early morning  run from Hammersmith to Covent Garden, taking in four Royal Parks along the way.  It was a great time to clear my  head and make plans,  and of course I took lots of photos along the way. I came home feeling calmer and inspired for the days ahead.

Slow Saturdays

I have always loved Saturdays, why wouldn’t I? However, now they are without doubt my favourite day of the week.  With all our usual weekend haunts closed and company of any sort out of bounds, a Saturday at home has become a real treat. Work is busy and often relentless, so time away is so precious.  The time to potter, bake, paint, read and even clean and tidy has become a lovely time. I appreciate for many people who are stuck at home everyday Saturdays won’t feel special or any different to any other day, but for me right now they are valued days filled with lovely moments of calm.

Wishing you all a lovely week



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