Moments Of Calm: Snowy Days with Mr Darcy

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Snow Day

There is a beauty in snow isn’t there? A quietness descends as the world is draped in a white blanket. Trees are temporarily dressed in the finest of wintery cloaks and for a short while all feels clean and fresh.  The snow in London came as a surprise today, or to me at least.  I haven’t been watching the news much recently so tend to miss weather reports.  A lovely surprise none the less.

We were able to go for a walk through our local parks and along a canal near to where we live.  Spirits were certainly lifted not just by the beauty all around us but the sight of numerous snowmen and the sound of so much laughter.  There doesn’t seem to be too much laughter in our world at the moment, and to see rosy cheeked carefree children (and adults) throwing snowballs and enjoying natures unexpected gift was quite a joy

Pride and Prejudice

My love for P&P knows no bounds. I have read and watched the BBC series (Colin Firth IS Darcy) many, many times, and yet I have never listened to it before.  I am currently listening to it on Audible and loving it.  It is read by Rosamund Pike who I think reads it really well.  Listening to such a familiar story is bringing it to life in a different way for me, and I can listen to it whilst cooking or pottering in the kitchen.  I also happen to be currently reading ‘The Other Bennet Sister’ by Janice Hadlow.  It tells the story of Mary Bennet the bookish forgotten sister and is a perfect complement to P&P.


I read a short article in the newspaper today which said that the likes of the Netflix series Bridgerton has had people in their droves turning to embroidery and cross stitch.  Apparently the visual delight of all these accomplished young ladies sewing has encouraged the rest of us to do the same.  Well I’m not sure about that, (although I have watched Bridgerton), but, I have been stitching this weekend.  I’d had a hankering to try embroidery since following @lucyludreams on Instagram.  She creates the most beautiful things.  So I bought my self a beginners kit from etsy this week and have been stitching away this weekend….whilst listening to P&P of course.

Wishing you all a peaceful week ahead xx

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  1. January 24, 2021 / 8:15 pm

    Fabulous. My friend Christine is an ardent P&P fan too!
    Love the descriptions of snowy London xxxx

    • angiev@blueyonder.co.uk
      February 5, 2021 / 3:36 pm

      Oh yes I think I remember once talking to her about it.

  2. Carolyn Vincent
    January 25, 2021 / 2:29 pm

    Love photos Angie. Much love xxxx

    • angiev@blueyonder.co.uk
      February 5, 2021 / 3:35 pm

      Thank you so much. It was lovely to see the snow xx

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