Moments of Calm: Haircuts, and a Sea Breeze

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Its been a busy week here with one thing and another, so grabbing moments of calm have been important.  My new, non hospital nurse, now working from home life means I am still working out how to work at home and how to juggle all the things!  I have lots of things on the go and in the pipeline at the moment and trying to plan and prioritise my days without feeling overwhelmed with all I want do to is the current challenge.

Of course I now much more flexibility than in the previous 9-5, which means I can take an afternoon off and work in the evening if I want to. This is exactly what I did this week as I went to get a much needed hair cut.  I last had my hair ‘properly’ cut at the very beginning of December. I say ‘properly’ because I did have to resort to an ‘at home husband cut’ a couple of months ago.  I have thick hair, which has a tendancy towards frizziness and unruliness the longer it gets.  So I was thrilled to get the tresses tamed by a professional this week.  I left the salon with a spring in my step and a bounce in my barnet!

I have also seen the sea (hurrah).  Last seen by me in Norfolk in September.  I have written about my love of the sea  before.  I always find any time by the sea energising, physically and creatively.  In March 2020 just before lockdown began I was in Whitstable.  13 months later and I was there again.  Whitstable is one of my favourite places to visit from London, it’s so easily accessible by train or car.  It was a joy to sit wrapped up from the wind on the pebbly beach with a takeaway coffee, and even more of a joy to eat fish and chips by the sea.  They never taste better than when by the sea.  I highly recommend a trip to Whitstable for some sea air, fish and chips on the beach and some moments of calm.  And if you are going, I have some suggestions of how to spend a few quiet days in Whitstable.

I also sent out my first free London guide this week to my newsletter subscribers ‘London, ’15 Quiet Places and Hidden Spaces’.  I really enjoyed putting it together, but there is always a little anxiety when you send anything out into the world for the first time, so I had a few butterflies when I pressed ‘send’.  If you haven’t got one and would like one, just sign up to my newsletter in the pop up box, and one will wend its way to you too very soon.

I’ve got lots coming up this week, so its time to write a big to do list.  I’m much calmer if I have a list!

Have a lovely week xx

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  1. May 9, 2021 / 6:06 pm

    I’m definitely a “list person” too! Love reading all your inspirational writing xxx

    • angiev@blueyonder.co.uk
      May 18, 2021 / 9:13 am

      Thank you so much xxxx

  2. Karen
    May 9, 2021 / 7:15 pm

    Hope you’re settling into your new routine. Loving reading all about it xx

    • angiev@blueyonder.co.uk
      May 18, 2021 / 9:13 am

      I really am. Looking forward to seeing you soon xx

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