Moments of Calm: Norfolk and Anne Tyler.

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Whenever I sit down to write these posts, the first thing I do is look back at my diary over the week to  help remember what I have actually done.  It can be a useful way of reminding myself I have actually achieved things, but also a way of remembering the quiet, calm moments too.  Because as i’m sure you’ll agree, the quiet moments can get lost amongst the busy ones.  This week the diary has been pretty full.

Certainly the highlight of my week was was a flying visit to Norfolk to spend the day with my gorgeous mum.  We had a lovely day together.  We visited a book shop, chatted about books, swapped books, had lunch and chatted some more.  I even managed to squeeze in a cup of tea with my lovely mother in law.  Despite driving there and back in a day it was such  relaxed time, made even more special because we have hardly seen each other in the last 15 months.

Talking of books, I have just read the latest Anne Tyler book, ‘Redhead by the Side of The Road’.  I adore her books and have many lining my shelves.   She writes with such insight into the human psyche.  Her ability to see the fine detail of situations and relationships is what I adore about her writing.  I describe her as an author of  ‘quiet books’.  Mostly nothing overly dramatic happens in her books but she says so much about the human condition.  If you are yet to discover Anne Tyler I really recommend her for some gentle but insightful prose.

Whilst I was with my mum, I took the opportunity to put some flowers on my Dad’s grave.  Although my Dad died in 2003, there is still barely a day goes by when I do not think of him.  Whenever I am back in Norfolk, I like to wander down to the church where he is buried.  It is a beautiful peaceful place, just a few minutes from the house my mum still lives in and where I grew up  A gnarled and ancient, horse chestnut tree provides shelter in the church yard, and behind the church are views on to the flat Norfolk fields.  I enjoy these peaceful moments when I can remember Dad and be thankful for all the joy and laughter he brought into my life.  My grandparents and great grandparents are also buried here so it is a good place to reflect. The church itself is also very special. Almost every significant event of my life has taken place there including my own wedding.

I am hopeful (always) that the weather would improve, so more time can be spent writing from my garden table rather than the one in my dining room. Whether this week brings you sunshine or showers, I hope there will be moments of gentle reflection and calm xx

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  1. Mum
    May 17, 2021 / 9:45 pm

    I had such a lovely day. Thankyou. Xx

    • angiev@blueyonder.co.uk
      May 18, 2021 / 9:12 am

      It was a great day – looking forward to lots more this year xx

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