Wellbeing: 10 Ways To Take a Relaxing Holiday At Home

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“Smell the sea and feel the sky. Let your soul and spirit fly. – Van Morrison”

Holidays have changed somewhat in the last couple of years.  Hopping on and off planes although now possible again, isn’t necessarily straightforward or even what many people would yet choose to do.

Many of us have either chosen to stay in the UK or have not been able to take holidays at all, again this year.

It may now be September and the official holiday season is coming to an end but, this doesn’t mean you can’t still take a break and carve out a little holiday at home for yourself.  Especially as the September weather in the UK is very good so far!

According to the Collins Dictionary “A holiday is a period of time during which you relax and enjoy yourself away from home”.

It doesn’t say it has to be in another country or even another county. It also doesn’t say it has to be long.    A holiday can be as short as a day if it is away from what you usually do and where you usually do it.  It is about finding a little bit of time you can use to recharge and restore your body and mind.


  1. Begin by making the time off non-negotiable. Plan it in your diary as holiday even if it is just for a day.  Close the laptop, ignore emails and switch off the notifications.  This is your time.


2. Think about what you would like to do if you were going away on holiday and try and replicate some of that at home.                You may not be able to create the exotic beach or infinity pool in your garden, but there are other things you can                      definitely do to give you that ‘holiday feeling’


  1. Plan to visit somewhere you have always wanted to visit and never visited before. Research places to eat and drink nearby, or other places you could stop at along the way.

“Once a year, go somewhere you have never been before.” Dalai Lama


  1. One of the things I love about holidays is starting the day with a relaxed and delicious breakfast. So why not do the same at home.  Either visit a local café or brew yourself some delicious coffee and treat yourself to smoked salmon and scrambled eggs on thick wedges of sourdough toast. Or, whatever your favourite holiday breakfast is of course.


  1. You may not be able to go your favourite country but you could visit a restaurant serving food from there.

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  1. Alternatively  choose to cook or buy food from that country.  There are so many wonderful delivery services now that you could choose to eat your way around the world if you wanted to.


  1. Get some fresh air and get amongst nature. Being amongst nature is great for the mental health.  Walking through woodland or countryside, watching wildlife or being close to the sea can all have real calming effects. Read more about the restorative powers of the sea.


  1. Take a picnic lunch to your local park or green space. Plan something delicious so it feels special. Include a treat you wouldn’t normally have.


  1. Choosing books to read on holiday is a huge part of my holiday preparations and the ritual of preparing for a trip. So why not go to the library and choose some holiday reading or visit your local second hand bookshop and pick something up


  1. Read books set in your favourite destination. I always choose books set in Cornwall when I’m missing holidays.  I previously published a post about books to transport you to faraway lands.  Have a look if you are needing inspiration

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If you are looking for some ways to make your home feel more like a holiday home then I would recommend Holidaying at Home with Jason Grant.  A beautiful interiors book with lots of ideas on how you can transform your own home into one filled with shades of holiday sunshine and colour.

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