Cultured Calm: Late Afternoon at the Meadow. Camille Pissarro

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I have been enjoying getting back to art galleries over the summer and having the opportunity to stand in front of paintings again.  I am aware that in London we have an abundance of cultural riches.  I thought it would be nice to share a seasonal monthly painting from a London gallery with you, starting with this one from Pissarro.

Late afternoon in our Meadow by Camille Pissarro (1887) can be seen in the National Gallery in Trafalgar Square or on their website.  The meadow is in the village of Eragny in France where Pissaro lived with his family.  This painting is one of many that he painted of the meadow.

Captured here in late afternoon, the shadows are long.  There is a sense of peace as the solitary figure makes her way through the young trees.  I don’t know which month this is representative of, but it reminds me of the warm september days we are currently having.  There is a calmness to this image which often comes when the weather is warm and the days work is complete.  This feeling of peaceful calm is reflected in the warmth of the colours and the gentle light.

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