Moments of Calm: Christmas Carols

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“The week before Christmas, when the snow seemed to lie thickest, was the moment for carol-singing; and when I think back to those nights it is to the crunch of snow and to the lights of the lanterns on it”

Laurie Lee  – from Cider with Rosie

Singing Christmas carols has been a part of my Christmas for as long as I can remember.  Playing the angel in the school nativity with my silvery tinsel halo slipping (as an Angela I was always the angel) whilst singing Away in a manger. Bundled up against the bitter cold in chunky hats and scarves to go carol singing in the small Norfolk village where I  grew up. The carol service in the tiny wooden church in New Zealand with my husband, where we were made so welcome on our only ever Christmas out of the UK.  The hush and expectation of the midnight Christmas Eve Service, and the joyful singing of ‘Yea Lord we greet thee’ on Christmas morning.

I have already listened to carols whilst wrapping presents and writing cards and will listen to more still in the days ahead.  Carols from Kings on Christmas Eve is always special.

I have also gone along to two carol services, both meaningful and poignant for different reasons.  One at a church close to the hospital where I worked until recently.  A lovely evening organised by Maggies a charity which supports people with cancer and their families.  Caring for those with cancer has been part of my working life for so long and still is, so it was especially meaningful.  Two Choirs sang beautifully, and Oh Holy Night, one of my favourite pieces of Christmas music was glorious. Poems were recited, and Maggie’s visitors spoke of their connections with the charity.

The second was with my own church.  A traditional Christmas carol service. Carols by candlelight sang and performed by the choir who were as professional and brilliant as ever.  Readings from the Christmas story bringing to life that event in a stable over 2000 years ago.

And each time, just like that,  the hush descends in the flickering candlelight and the familiarity of the words of carols I know so well.  The perfect peacefulness of Christmastime is found again.

I wish you days of calm and peace this Christmas.


  1. Karen
    December 19, 2021 / 9:38 pm

    Lovely Angie. We are just back from our village carol service. So lovely to be sitting and singing with our neighbours and community. Definitely calming in the chaos of the material Christmas. Thank you and a very merry Christmas to you and Mr Changing Pages xxx

    • angiev@blueyonder.co.uk
      December 20, 2021 / 11:13 am

      How lovely. So pleased you got to your carol service. They are very calming. Sending lots of Christmas love and wishes to you and the other D’s too xxxx

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