Cultured Calm: Choir Singing on Christmas Day

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Choir singing on Christmas Day by Louisa Anne Beresford

Watercolour and pencil, 25 December 1887

This beautiful painting by Louisa Anne Beresford is the perfect Cultured Calm Painting choice on which to end the year.

There is a stillness to ‘Choir singing on Christmas Day’ which perfectly captures the peace which can be found at Christmas time. I love the softness of the image. Members of the choir young and old are gathered, heads drawn closely together as they sing of the wonder of the season.  You can almost feel the hush descend as they sing out the first sweet notes. The gentle folds of the white surplaces worn by the choristers, the gently glowing light and the boughs of greenery which they stand beneath, evokes a nostalgia which so many of us are drawn to during December.

For me Christmas truly begins with the first carol service of the season.  When I look at this painting I am instantly transported to that moment and that particular magic.

This painting can usually be seen at The National Portrait Gallery in London.  The gallery is currently closed for major refurbishment, but you can still enjoy it on the NPG website.

Merry Christmas

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