Moments of Calm: Snowdrops and Stationery

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The weather certainly hasn’t been calm in recent days.  I hope you have weathered the storms without too much damage.  I spent much of Friday working in my garden office watching our fence swing back and forth precariously until it finally succumbed to the power of Storm Eunice, and two panels came crashing down.  Fortunately not too much damage was done.

Thankfully calmer moments have been found with stationery and snowdrops in recent days.  The snowdrops seem especially prolific this year.  Or, maybe they are always like this and I just forget.  I was in Norfolk visiting my mum last week and was thrilled to see so many white bobbing heads lining the roadsides and hedgerows of the winding country lanes.  Snowdrops are such brave little flowers.  They are bold enough to poke their heads above ground when it’s cold and hard, and most other flowers are still sensibly tucked up waiting the warmer days.

Like most people who like to write, I love stationery.  I think I always have. I had a memorable collection of rubbers (erasers) as a child and always loved pens and notebooks.  As an adult, in the same way that I never go anywhere without a book in my bag, I also never go anywhere without a notebook and pen.   Who knows when inspiration might strike!

One of the most beautiful stationery shops I know is Choosing Keeping close to London’s Covent Garden.  This independent stationery shop sells high quality luxury stationery from small independent suppliers. There is a quiet calm and cheerfulness to this shop with its gorgeous displays of paperweights, fountain pens and of course the colorful and original note books and journals.    I had been promising myself a Choosing Keeping journal for some time.  So, as a little reward for publishing my first e-book I recently spent a very happy time in this delightful store selecting just the right one.  My glorious pink and red floral patterned journal  now sits proudly on my desk awaiting to be filled.  Rather than feeling panicked by the blank page I feel a sense of calm just knowing it is there, waiting to be filled with thoughts, ideas and all those things which although jumbled in my head gradually make sense as they are translated onto the blank page.

Have a wonderful week.

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  1. Karen
    February 20, 2022 / 8:09 pm

    Wow! What a place – would love to visit there x

    • angiev@blueyonder.co.uk
      February 21, 2022 / 9:31 am

      It’s lovely. We can visit when you are here. Its a place to go when you want to treat yourself xx

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