Cultured Calm: At Evening’s Close by Beatrix Potter

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At Evening’s Close by Beatrix Potter (1902)

Drawing in Watercolour

I continue my monthly series on  seasonal paintings available to view in London galleries, with this watercolour drawing entitled ‘At Evenings Close’ by Beatrix Potter.

I chose this work after a recent visit to the Beatrix Potter: Drawn to Nature Exhibition at The Victoria and Albert Museum.  This is one of the sweetest exhibitions and if you have ever enjoyed Beatrix Potter’s books then I highly recommend visiting.  It is running until January 2023

I love the tranquility of this drawing.  It is a gentle scene and speaks to me of warm, light summer evenings.  I imagine wandering through this pretty garden when the heat of the day has faded, cutting flowers and gathering vegetables to cook for supper.

The calming blue washes of paint and sepia ink are perfect for this very english scene.  Their is a lushness to the foliage which border the abundance of flowers evidence of an area blessed with rain!  This much loved garden is set against the backdrop of Coniston Old Man in Beatrix’s beloved Cumbria.

I’m not sure what month this drawing is set, although perhaps the wigwams of runner beans through the arch would suggest it is a little later in the year than May.  For me May is a month of promise, and usually the time in the UK when the weather begins to improve and the long days of Summer are a meer breath away.  This seems an appropriate image to capture that hope .

At Evenings Close can be seen at The Victoria and Albert Museum, South Kensington

April’s Cultured Calm Painting

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