Door Number 1: Fortnum and Mason

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‘Look where I will… I see Fortnum & Mason. All the hampers fly wide open and the green downs burst into a blossom of lobster salad!’

Charles Dickens

Fortnum and Mason is a London Christmas institution and with its whole facade turned into a giant advent calendar (see image on yesterday’s post) it is deservedly the first door to be opened on my London advent calendar.

So much of Christmas is about tradition, some of which are imposed on us but many which we create for ourselves.  For many years,  a Christmas visit to Fortnums has been a tradition I have created.  I always try to visit  as early in December as possible and I always buy some of their delicious Marc de champagne truffles and a box of special tea bags.  It’s my Christmas present to myself.  The truffles are usually squirrelled away until Christmas itself but I make a point of enjoying a cup of Fortnum’s tea as many days as possible in the lead up to Christmas.

Christmas really does come alive in Fortnums.  Even if you don’t plan to buy anything I would encourage everyone to visit the royally endorsed store at time of year.  The window displays are always stunning and so carefully put together. each one telling a story.  The whole shop is fizzing with festivity.  Piled high with traditional puddings and rich mince pies.  Carousels of chocolates and truffles to suit all palates and gloriously garish tins of cookies greet you at every turn. Jams and marmalades laced with brandy and whisky, sweet jars of brandy butter and fruit filled chutneys, are all part of a Fortnum Christmas

The decorations department is dazzling with glittering tree decorations and eye wateringly expensive boxes of Christmas Crackers.  Tables are set with fine china and crockery, bright white table linen and gleaming glasses.  Everything about Fortnums is luxurious.  Even the male members of staff are dressed in tailcoats and greet every shopper with the same level of courtesy and good grace, even when the shop is bursting at the seams with hot and weary shoppers.

Like all things in London, the earlier you can get their the better.  I usually arrive just after it opens whilst it is pleasingly quiet and I can meander slowly through the candy coloured towers of tempting treats at will.

A Fortnum’s hamper is a gift I would be very happy to find under my Christmas tree!

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  1. Karen
    December 1, 2022 / 7:13 pm

    Magical Angie – I am sharing far and wide xx

    • angiev@blueyonder.co.uk
      December 2, 2022 / 4:53 pm

      Thank you so much. That is so kind xxx

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