Day 9 – Alice Through The Looking Glass

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London Bookshop Advent

Day 3 – Alice Through The Looking Glass.

The trouble all starts for Alice when she follows the White Rabbit down the hole and comes upon a great hallway lined with doors, so it seems appropriate to open todays advent door and peer inside Alice Through the Looking Glass with some some trepidation. If a white rabbit or the Mad Hatter appeared it would not be altogether surprising.

This curious store is perfectly situated next to Marchpane Books in Cecil Court and was the result of a discovery of a hand painted ‘Through The Looking Glass’ Chessboard. It features illustrations and the earliest known examples of  Sir John Tenniel’s work for Alice’s Adventures.  

The shop is not just a book shop as it sells all things Alice, memorabilia, and gifts, but books, with first editions, and rare copies of Lewis Caroll’s Stories are it’s mainstay. You may also want to visit the small museum inside the shop where you can still see the original chess board, although I believe you need to make an appointment to do this.

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