My Moments of Joy #2

Spring flowers

Longer Days

Leaving work at 5pm and it still being half light earlier this week was  a real moment of joy.  I cycle to work and the winter months are always more of a challenge with the chilly and often rainy weather and dark nights and mornings.  Layers and lights are the order of the day from late October until at least the end of February, but this week for a moment I had a glimpse of the promise of a more carefree commute.

Early Morning Runs

I’m running another half marathon in a couple of weeks, and although I love running when I’m training for a long distance, fitting in the long runs can be a challenge.  For the last couple of Sundays I have set my alarm for 6.30 and been out running by 7.30 when its just about light.  Although getting out of bed at this time on a Sunday morning may not have felt overly joyful at the time, getting home at 9am with 15km done and dusted, and a whole day still ahead of me has been very joyful!

First Cinema visit of 2018

We are usually regular cinema goers, film and dinner being a fairly perfect ‘date night’.  This year with one thing and another we have been a little slow kick starting  our film going year.  On Friday we changed all that by going to see ‘The Darkest Hour.  It was exceptional.  The characters of Winston Churchill  and Clementine Churchill played by Gary Oldman and Kristen Scott Thomas respectively were so well portrayed.  Every gesture, every expression, and every word was wonderfully executed.  It was a reminder of how close Britain came to a very different future.

I hope you too have had some moments of joy this week

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