The Easiest Raspberry Jam Ever

Raspberry Jam

For many Jam making is something associated with the WI or those with domestic goddess leanings and lots of time on their hands.  But let me tell you readers it doesn’t have to be like that.

Those of you who were kind enough to read my lemon curd post a couple of weeks ago and thought that was easy well believe me this is even easier.  Even the most kitchen phobic of us could produce this little jar of molten ruby goodness without so much as a single second of cooking related stress.

Firstly, I must point out this is not my recipe and I take absolutely no credit for it.  Like many of the delicious food things in my life it comes from the ever reliable Nigella, and is found in her book ‘How to be a domestic goddess’,

To make this all you need is:

  • 250g each of frozen raspberries and sugar
  • 2 shallow dishes
  • 1 empty, clean and preferably sterilised jar
  • An oven, preheated to 180C / 350F/Gas4

Simply place the raspberries in one dish and the sugar in another and place side by side in your preheated oven

Raspberry JamSit back, have a cup of tea, and 25 minutes later remove the raspberries and sugar from the oven and immediately pour the sugar onto the raspberries.  The raspberries will bubble and gradually absorb the sugar.  So gentle shaking is needed to encourage this.

Raspberry JamRaspberry Jam

Once all the sugar has been combined into the raspberries, and you are sure the sugar has dissolved (no harm in stirring at this point if necessary)  pour the molten jammy lava into your jar.  If you are a little clumsy by nature as indeed I am then this is the trickiest bit of the whole process. 


And that’s it my friends.  One jar of homemade raspberry jam to impress your friends and family with.  The delicious  aroma of  warm raspberries that greets you when you open the oven door is one you will never get when opening a jar of shop bought raspberry Jam.  I promise. Oh, and don’t forget to apply a home-made label for maximum ‘showing off’ potential.

IMG_3613Why not give it a go, and do let me know how you get on or share your own fail safe jam making recipes.

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