New to me, 91 Magazine

91 magazine

Every now and again I feel the need for a little deviation from the novels which make up most of my reading time.  91 magazine isn’t a magazine I have ever read before but after my first foray I can guarantee  I’ll read it again.

“Every page aims to inspire the space that surrounds you, the life that you’ve created and the things that you love”.

This is the promise on the website.  Quite a claim, but after reading through I certainly finished feeling inspired.  This was not only down to the variety of articles, but also the many beautiful images filling the pages.

91 magazine

I’m a bit of an instagram fan and I loved ‘The Instagram Edit’.  5 pages given over to 5 beautiful instagram accounts from around the world.  I loved looking at these pictures and thinking about the sort of pictures I would like to take.  It also  gave me some new and exciting instragammers to follow, which is always a good thing.

There are ideas for shopping, designing, making and baking.  Tours of homes, restaurants and creative spaces and plenty of inspiration from other bloggers. I especially enjoyed the Top Blog feature on ‘A Playful Day’ Blog.  This is a blog which is new to me but one I’m enjoying getting to know.

91 magazine

This isn’t a magazine filled with unattainable glossy images and interiors that are beyond most people’s budgets or dreams.  It’s a magazine overflowing with ways of  making life more creative and beautiful in any way you can.  And why would you not want to do that?

If you would like to find out a little more about this charming magazine why not pop along to their website, you can find it right here.

Images Changing Pages

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