My Moments of Joy #6

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I had lots of joyful moments this week because I had my mum staying with me.  Although I still had to work for much of the time she was here it was great to spend time together.  These are some of the ‘stand out’ moments of joy from my week


Of course the snow. We don’t often see much snow in London, so to see it fall thick and fast and cover everything in a thick white blanket was magical.


Flowers always give me joy.  This week on the way home from work I stopped at my usual flower stall to pick up a bunch of sweet smelling hyacinths (my current flower of the moment), and was given an extra bunch and a bunch of daffodils for free. Much joy and my house now smells divine.


I went to see ‘Finding Your Feet’.  Shot in London and Rome with a  stellar British cast including Imelda Staunton, Celia Imrie, Joanna Lumley and Timothy Spall and a story that made me laugh and cry in equal measure. Wonderful escapism on a Monday night.

Wishing you all a week full of joyful moments xx


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