So this week my moments of calm have come from time at home, hunkered down, sheltered from the bitter winds and dark winter nights.
Marie Kondo
I like many 1000’s of others, if social media is anything to go by, have become slightly obsessed with the ‘Tidying Up with Marie Kondo‘ series currently on Netflix. I love her approach to creating a comfortable, organised home and her mantra, ‘does it spark joy?’ for me, is joy! I love seeing the joy she brings to peoples homes as she sprinkle her Marie Kondo magic. I am not minimalist in any way at all, I love things around me, but I believe more and more that everything we own should bring joy. Now I’m not sure things as mundane as potato peelers and wooden spoons fall into that category, but actually as I think about it maybe they do. Any way I digress. What I wanted to say was, that as a result of watching this series I have been tidying and organising this weekend. I am reasonably tidy anyway but sorting out my clothes and folding them in such a way that they can all be seen in my drawers has brought such calm I can’t wait to move onto other things!
Making Soup
Soup making is definitely a winter pursuit. In the last week or so, roasted parsnip soup, green vegetable soup, and this evening broccoli and stilton soup, which is still gently simmering on the stove, have all been created in my kitchen. There is something very nourishing about making soup. The act of chopping, stirring and blending are all very calming things to do. And, I never feel more virtuous than when I have a big batch of soup to see me through the week, or to divide into portions to put in the freezer.
And finally….. I know social media isn’t where mostly we might go to seek calm and and quiet, but can I just share with you an instagram account which always makes me feel calm. has the most gorgeous feed. She posts beautiful calming images from her cottage in rural Suffolk. Her accompanying words are always carefully chosen and thoughtful. I so look forward to her daily postings.
Wishing you a week filled with moments of calm xx