Walking Mindfully – What does it mean?

Mindfulness is a term, and practice which has become increasingly familiar in many aspects of life in recent years, and it certainly isn’t going away any time soon.  Mindfulness is a practice I have come across in my work as a nurse, in some bereavement work I have done and also in my other life, the one outside of the Monday to Friday 9-5.   It would seem that walking is just one of the many activities which can be done ‘mindfully’.

But what does it mean?  What is mindfulness, and what on earth does it mean to walk mindfully?

Lets start with what it means to be mindful

Put simply, mindfulness is about paying attention to the here and now.  Not getting caught up in thoughts about the past or the future but focusing on the right now, in a non judgmental way.

It sounds simple, and sensible doesn’t it.  I don’t know about you but much of the time my mind is a mass of thoughts  and concerns, often disconnected.  Thoughts and ideas come in and out, sometimes disappearing altogether, sometimes staying longer.  Focus is sometimes a challenge for me, simply because I have so many interests and things I want to do or be part of and I get distracted.

Mindfullness is about trying to stem the flow of that distraction and bring attention back to the now and the one thing you might be currently engaged in.

I have often written here, and on my social media about the important part that exercise plays in my life.  When I don’t exercise I know I become sluggish.  My mood definitely isn’t so good and I struggle more creatively.  So the last few weeks with my arm in a cast and then a splint, and the instruction not to do anything vigorous until the bone was well and truly set, has proved a challenge for me physically and mentally.  Running and cycling, my usual exercise of choice were both immediately ruled out.   Consequently I turned to walking.  Walking is something I have always enjoyed.  I’ve been on a number of walking holidays and I enjoy both country and city walks. During my enforced work and exercise break I began to learn about what it means to walk mindfully.

What is Walking Mindfully

To walk mindfully involves walking attentively, with an alertness and awareness.  It involves more than walking without thinking and just letting things pass you by.  To walk mindfully heightens the senses to whats around you. In the city this might be, becoming fully aware of shop windows, or buildings or achitecture. In the country it is being aware of the sounds of birds, or the colour of flowers, the shapes of leaves or the scents in the air. Walking mindfully means becoming engaged with your surroundings.

How to Walk Mindfully

Thats all well and good and it all sounds very nice but how to do it?  How do we walk attentively?  Sometimes walking is just about getting from A-B.  You have to walk to the bus stop or the shop or school or wherever.  There is little purpose to this walk other than to get you where you want to go.  In my experience when I am taking these kinds of walks I am thinking about where I’m going,  and what I have to do when I get there.

Other types of walks, and perhaps those walks we take for pleasure or to get out daily exercise are those walks which lend themselves to walking mindfully.  They are an opportunity to get away from the mass of thoughts in our head for a short while and engage in a meaningful way with our surroundings.  Focus on what is around you, even if it is a view or scene you have seen a thousand times before.  In fact these kinds of scenes are often excellent starting points because they are familiar and seeing the same place at different times of day or in different seasons is an immediate point of focus.  One of the things I love about walking or running through the same place throughout the year is understanding the repetition and rhythm of the seasons.

So to walk mindfully, start by focusing on one small scene.  Look at the colours, textures and shapes. What does it look like from different angles or view point.  What is the weather like? How does it make you feel? In fact how are you feeling at that point, relaxed, frustrated, ambivalent?  What does walking feel like? How does the ground feel beneath your feet? These are all questions to consider when walking. And it is these questions and focus points which turns walking from passive to active, as you become fully engaged in the process.

If you are anything like me you will find your mind wandering in all directions.  What to have for dinner or when to do the laundry pops into my mind, the friends birthday you need to get a card for.  You know the kind of thing.  Thats ok though.  Take a deep breath, bring your focus back to where you are right now and start again.

It is well recognised that being out in the fresh air helps with mental health.  Combine that with being aware of your surroundings and whats going on around you and the potential for reduced stress levels and increased feelings of wellbeing are an excellent by product of this.

Where to Walk Mindfully

The simple answer is anywhere.  Town or city, village or field.  Familiar or unfamiliar. Anywhere you feel comfortable to be.  Wherever it is, just be prepared to look up and out and around, and absorb your surroundings

In a future post I hope to share some of my favourite places to walk in London


The Art of Mindful Walking by Adam Ford – The author is a retired Anglican Priest with a love of walking.  In this book he applies mindful techniques to short walks, walks to walks, long treks and even pilgrimages.

The Mindfulness Project – They have an excellent blog which I have enjoyed dipping in and out of.

Gabrielle Treanor – Gabrielle has created a weekly podcast called pressing pause which is a joy to listen to because of her lovely calm voice and practical advice





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