Quiet Christmas Shopping in London

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For many, a day trip to London for Christmas Shopping is a tradition.  Trawling Oxford and Regent Street and taking in the lights is all part of the Christmas preparation and festive period.

In years gone by, I have certainly marched up and down both these streets laden with shopping bags, carefully dodging other shoppers.  In more recent years though, I have discovered the quieter places I like to shop in London.  This doesn’t mean I won’t visit the busier areas, it just means I choose how and when.  I would never miss a Christmas visit to Liberty or Fortnum and Mason, I just wouldn’t go at 3 0’clock on a Saturday afternoon.  As with many London things, early is often best.

If like me, you prefer a more intimate and tranquil London Christmas Shopping experience, then do read on to discover some of my favourite places in London to shop.

Chiswick – Turnham Green and Devonshire Road.

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Chiswick is one of my local shopping areas and I love it.  Like most other places there is a high street with various well known chain stores but there are also a couple of lovely streets full of independent shops which make for a very calm and pleasant shopping experience.  Turnham Green has one of the best second hand Oxfam book shops I know, as well as an old fashioned toy shop, gorgeous jewellers and independent clothes shops.  All good Christmas shopping options. Devonshire Road has some lovely cafes in which to stop for coffee and a mince pie, and if you meander to the very end a wonderful antiques shop full of curiosities.


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Bloomsbury is one of my favourite areas of London for some quiet and calm shopping and indeed wandering.  There are so many small independent shops here.  Many of them like the wonderful L.Cornellisen and Son have been part of London’s history for many years.  Whether its, books, craft or stationery supplies, you are looking for as Christmas gifts, great pleasure is guarneteed if you choose to browse any of these shops.

L.Cornellisen and Son

This glorious shop of colour was established in the late 19th century and has been an essential supplier of supplies to artists every since.  Even if you don’t paint yourself, step inside this shop and I can guarantee you will want to begin  Dark wooden shelves are stacked with every colour and pigment imaginable. Staff are incredibly helpful and very happy to help you find exactly what you need. There is a quietness that speaks of older days about this shop.  It is delightful in every way.

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Blade Rubber Stamps

This is a shop you never new you needed, but when you discover it, realise you can’t live without it.  Situated very conveniently next to London Review Shop, Blade Rubber Stamps is begging to be discovered.  The shop supplies offices and businesses and produces personalised rubber stamps.  It also houses the biggest collection of rubber stamps for craft or stationery I have ever seen.  There really are stamps for every occasion.  If you are planning on creating your own cards or just like to add a little extra to cards you send then this place is fabulous.  Some of the stamps are so intricate they are works of art in themselves.  If you can’t get to the shop, they also helpfully provide a very good online service.

London Review Bookshop

This is a book shopping experience worth travelling for.  London Review Bookshop has an excellent selection of extremely well curated books.  This is such a brilliant browsing book shop filled with collections of books I usually haven’t spotted elsewhere. The cookery book section is excellent too!  I have always found the booksellers here to be wonderfully helpful and extremely knowledgeable. They will go out of their way to search the shelves or make suggestions of just what you are looking for.

There also happens to be an excellent cafe attached to the bookshop.  Just don’t make the mistake I have made of going on a sunday afternoon hoping for tea and cake, because the cafe is closed on Sundays!

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Lamb Conduit Street – Persephone Books

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I love this little street close to Bloomsbury Square.  It is lined with independent shops and cafes and is  a pleasure to wander along at any time of year.  My reason for going is without exception Persephone Books.  My love for this shop knows no bounds. It is a beautiful calm shop filled with the trademark dove grey books of Persephone.  It can get busy on occasion but the atmosphere is always one of tranquility.  I have no doubt this is aided by the flowers and music which are always present in the shop. This is a quiet Christmas shopping must!

“Persephone Books reprints neglected fiction and non-fiction by mid-twentieth century (mostly) women writers. All of our 132 books are intelligent, thought-provoking and beautifully written and are chosen to appeal to busy people wanting titles that are neither too literary nor too commercial.”

Jermyn Street – Paxton and Whitfield Cheesemonger

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I’m sure its not just my imagination, but the smell of aftershave and male grooming is very noticeable as you stroll along side Fortnum and Mason to Jermyn Street and the delicious Paxton and Whitfield Cheese.

If you haven’t discovered Paxton and Whitfield then I highly recommend calling in when you are next in the neighbourhood.  This cheesemonger with a Royal Warrant was founded as a market stall in Aldwych Market in 1742.  Today it has a number of shops, but the quiet spot it occupies just off Piccadilly is perfect.  You will not have to fight crowds to either choose or be advised by the experts on which cheeses to buy. I shall be visiting before Christmas to buy Cheese and chutney for Boxing day and beyond.

Museum Shops

These can get very busy, but go at the beginning or end of the day and I am fairly sure you will have a pleasant shopping experience

The Victoria and Albert is my favourite museum shop. Their selection of books, jewellery and tote bags embossed with the V&A logo is excellent.  I have been Christmas shopping here for the last few years.  If you are a member they often offer 20% off at christmas which is an attractive propostiion

The Natural History and The Science Museum are also both a good bet.  The Natural History is great for books and wildlife or natural world related gifts,and the science museum is great for all the budding scientists in  your life, young and old.

Garden Centres

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I wrote recently of some of my favourite garden centres in London.  These are great places for some quiet shopping which can easily be combined with coffee and cake.  No longer do garden centres only sell plants.  They also have shops stocked with glass wear, pottery, books and of course all manner of gardening paraphernalia and at Christmas, gifts and decorations too.  Petersham Nurseries is without doubt my favourite garden centre for shopping in London.

And finally….. Shop Local!

Shopping local is such good thing to do if you can.  I am lucky to have some wonderful independent shops near to where I live.  Just this morning I was shopping for gifts in our local cheese shop and delicatessen, I must highlight though, the wonderful ‘All Original’.  This is an independent gift and homewear shop which has been promoting the work of local artists for many years. They have a fabulous selection of products and showcase so much local talent.  If you are lucky enough to have something similar to you then do try and support them.

I hope this has given you some ideas of some quieter places to enjoy Christmas shopping in London.  I’m always on the lookout for new suggestions so do share your favourite places with me in the comments below.

Happy Quiet Christmas Shopping!

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  1. December 14, 2019 / 10:07 pm

    Chessington Garden Centre is the sort of place you could stay all day too Angie, it also has a great cafe (and a spectacular Santa’s Grotto) xx

    • angiev@blueyonder.co.uk
      January 2, 2020 / 7:01 pm

      Sounds lovely Margaret. Garsons Farm is a great place to visit too xx

  2. December 20, 2019 / 4:33 pm

    I forgot all about Paxton and Whitfield Cheesemongers, it is such a lovely experience stepping inside for the first time, it really feels like you’ve strolled into a different century. Thanks for sharing #farawayfiles

    • angiev@blueyonder.co.uk
      January 2, 2020 / 7:01 pm

      I quite agree, it really does. Its a wonderful shop tucked away and full of delicious treasures.

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