Moments of Calm

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Finding calm in January seems easier than at other times of the year.  As I have written in previous posts this week, the pressure of the festive season is off and its perfectly acceptable to not be rushing around.

I have had a lovely start to the year and found plenty of time for doing things which all contribute to a welcome sense of calm.

Mindful Winter Walks

Even when the weather is not overly inviting its so helpful to get outside and breath the fresh air.  One of the loveliest walks of the year was just yesterday. We left London to find some country side.  It was a perfect bright, crisp January day, ideal for walking.  We planned a 10km walk which because of getting slightly lost ended up being a bit longer!  For once this didn’t matter.  We had lots of time, the scenery was beautiful, there were hardly any other people around and we felt we had the whole of a little pocket of the Surrey hills to ourselves.  It was the perfect opportunity to enjoy the stillness but walk attentively and mindfully.

Home Time

Although I have been out and about, there have been lots of evenings at home too, with candles, books, and boardgames.  I have also discovered Scala Radio which I love. Contemporary and more traditional classical music, has been the sound track to  lots of my time at home recently. If you haven’t discovered it then I do recommend it for some calming music.


The time at home has meant I have had more time for creativity.  Cooking, painting and candle making have all featured!  I’m reading a wonderful book at the moment called Conscious Creativity which I will certainly be sharing more of here, I am already so inspired by it. I am very aware that for me exercise and creativity go together and if I can find time for both I am generally much calmer.  My husband will testify to that!

What ever you week is looking like I hope you are able to find moments of calm as the days get a little longer and l lighter.

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More moments of calm right here.


  1. Karen
    January 19, 2020 / 7:41 pm

    Love Scala radio too. Glad you’ve found it xx

    • angiev@blueyonder.co.uk
      January 20, 2020 / 7:50 pm

      Its great isn’t it. I finally got round to giving it a listen over Christmas and love it.

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