Quiet Days in Whitstable

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Just before the current Coronavirus pandemic fully broke in the UK, I was fortunate enough to spend a few days in one of my favourite English seaside destinations, Whitstable.  Those few days turned out to be an absolute blessing, as on my last evening there I watched news of the first restrictions which were about to be imposed.  Other than a fleeting trip to Norfolk this turned out to be the last trip I took.  It was a glorious few days and I’m sure buoyed me up for what was to come.

Whitstable is on the Kent coast just a short 90 mins train journey from London and a wonderful place to escape to.  I have only been in the summer before when it is busy with tourists enjoying the delights of the British seaside.  Visiting in March was an opportunity to enjoy the quieter side of this quintessentially British coastal town.

The Sound of the Sea

Whitstable is a small town, so wherever you happen to be you are never far from the sound of the sea.  It is very easy to veer off from anywhere in the town and weave your way down to with the harbour or the pebbled beach and gentle swell of the sea.

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The harbour itself is a working harbour and somewhere to watch the fishing boats landing their haul or the tourist boats (in the summer) preparing to set sail.  The sound of the clanking masts and folded sails from the many boats, along side the ducking and diving, squawking seagulls is a fitting musical accompaniement to any meander.

Oysters and fish and ships are sold in abundance here and its a lovely place to sit and watch the world go by

Independent Cafes and Restaurants

Whitstable high street remains largely independent, only a few chain stores can be found here and of course it is all the better for it.

There are so many lovely cafes for coffee, brunch, lunch dinner or just cake.  It is hard to know where to start in recommendations….However these are just a few I’ve tried and tested and would definitely go back to!

For Fish and Chips

There really is no better place to eat fish and chips than at The Old Neptune Pub more commonly known as The Pub on the Beach.  Its fabulous to sit at one of the tables on the beach in the warmer weather with a generous plate of very good and freshly cooked fish and chips.  When its not so warm, a cosy old fashioned charm awaits within.

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For Oysters

I don’t eat oysters, I’ve tried I just can’t get to grips with them and have accepted that they are just not for me.  I think its a texture thing.  However if you do enjoy an oyster, then Whitstable is the place to be.  They are prevelant and I’m told by those who do enjoy them delicious too.

For Coffee and Lunch

I was recommended to go to Grain and Hearth.  This is quite a new addition to the Whitstable culinary scene and as it happens, a very good one.  This artisan bakery and cafe specialises in sourdough bread and viennoiserie.  I had never had a cruffin before.  The sourdough one I had  from Grain and Hearth was simply spectacular!

For Cheese and Wine

The Cheese Box was a discovery on my first visit to Whitstable and a place I will always go back to.  A tiny cheesemonger on the high street serving only British Cheeses during the day.  By night (at weekends) it become a perfectly formed cheese bar serving perfect cheese and wine combinations.  It is compact, so its not always easy to get a spot, but absolutely worth persevering until you do.

Otherwise, just wander along the high street and see what takes your fancy

Independent Shopping

Shopping in Whitstable is a joy.  A walk from one end of the high street to the other will have you stopping every few yards to gaze in the windows of galleries, boutiques, arts and craft shops, book shops and more.  This is really my kind of shopping.  Independent shops, locally made products, friendly and helpful shop owners.

Some of my favourites:

Harbour Books (of course).  Always a first stop for local authors and interesting titles

The Whiting Post. Independent vintage themed store.  Brilliant for dresses, and accessories. They also have a great range of picnic paraphernalia

Mosaic.  One of many lovely independent gift shops with a great range of clothes, interiors and fripperies!

Creative Inspiration

I have a certain fondness for Whitstable as I was finally brave enough to start my blog during a visit there.  My first post featured a picture I took of a heart shape stone on the beach there!

I always find being by the sea inspiring, wherever it is. There is something about the air, the light and in Whitstable and also the many artists and writers who live or have lived there.  During my most recent visit a big chunk of each of my days was spent writing.  I wrote with ease and achieved lots more than I would had I been at home!  Being surrounded by natural creativity and beauty but also by the works of artists and crafts people is a lovely spur to ones own creative endeavours

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Long Walks and Gentle Runs

The high street can get busy but its so easy to get away from any crowds simply be heading to the sea.  Go east from the harbour towards Herne Bay and  you pass Tankerton beach with its array of beach huts. The path along side the beach is long and straight and ideal for an early morning run.  I did this on a couple of occasions and passed only other runners and early morning dog walkers Go in the other direction behind the high street and towards west beach.  Pass along side pretty coloured houses and another array of highly expensive and highly covetable beach huts!

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There are so many reasons to visit Whitstable, but if you are seeking some quiet days of calm and creativity, sea air and sea food then I think there are few better places to be.

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  1. Karen
    April 22, 2020 / 7:38 am

    Beautiful Angie. Happy memories – must go again xx

    • angiev@blueyonder.co.uk
      April 27, 2020 / 9:28 pm

      Oh we really must. Many things to look forward to in the future xx

  2. April 22, 2020 / 7:43 am

    Can’t wait to visit there! Sounds especially inviting when we’re not allowed to go anywhere!!! Lots of love xxx

    • angiev@blueyonder.co.uk
      April 27, 2020 / 9:28 pm

      Ha ha, I know exactly what you mean. You would love it there, lots of great shops! x

  3. April 22, 2020 / 1:34 pm

    This looks absolutely lovely. I made a trip to Hastings by myself two years ago. Stayed for one night and went up to Great Dixter. But the town was lovely and the beach peaceful (off season as it was mid-October) Do you happen to know, or recommend, any place to stay in Whitstable? I’ll look it up in any case; someday, when we can travel, this would be a really perfect trip from London!!!

    • angiev@blueyonder.co.uk
      April 27, 2020 / 9:31 pm

      It is a lovely place to visit Libby. I stayed in an Air B&B which was absolutley lovely. A spacious vintage inspired apartment opposite the harbour. I would really recommend it. It was called ‘South Quay Holiday Lets’ They have a face book page.

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