Moments of Calm

How is everyone doing?  I have had a serious case of feeling ‘in limbo’ this week.  Lockdown has been relaxed, so we can now meet up to 6 people in parks and gardens which is great news for many.  And yet I’m still struggling to understand what that really means and what the implications of it is.  Seeing hoards of people flock to the beaches and beauty spots of England last weekend made me feel some what uneasy and certainly not like going out.  Like everyone I’m longing to see family and friends but I’m not sure I want to see those who are closest to me from a ‘safe distance’.  Those I love most are those I want to hug tightest.  I don’t want to see my family who I haven’t seen for over 3 months at a safe distance.  Just thinking about that makes me sad.  I want to see them closely and eat and drink with them huddled around a table, I want to hug my mum, and kiss my nieces and nephews and draw everyone close again.

So yes I’m in limbo. Caught between relief that at last things seem to be getting easier and the uncertainty of knowing what to do for the best

The shocking news in the USA and the clear examples of racism which stretches much further than the streets of America and onto our shores makes me weep.  It’s not been the easiest week for any of us has it? Finding moments of calm amongst the tumultuous day to day events feel even more important right now.

The Kitchen

The pandemic has apparently driven every one to pick a wooden spoon and a whisk and start baking.  I can relate to this.  I have always baked and enjoyed cooking but I know I have been turning to cooking more and more in recent weeks when I need to ‘switch off’.  There is a calmness that comes from taking raw ingredients and turning them into something (hopefully delicious)  Today has been very much a calming ‘kitchen’ day.  Courgette tart, Pear Tart tatin, Mince pies (made with left over pastry and mince meat), Marmite PIn wheels (also made with left over pastry), coleslaw,  a warm garlicky dish of ripe tomatoes, courgettes and lemon, and warm new potato salad have all made their way out of my kitchen today.

Apart from cooking in the kitchen, I’ve been sorting through drawers and cupboards too.  I should say this was initially brought on by an influx of busy ants marching backwards and forwards across my kitchen floor and in and out of cupboards.  However the process of sorting through my stores, cleaning the shelves and putting things back in an orderly fashion has been a calming task to lose myself in.  I like organisation and order at home, so a well ordered cutlery draw or store cupboard makes me strangely happy!

Nigel Slater

I am huge fan of Nigel Slater’s writing.  His newspaper columns and cookery books always soothe and inspire.  I have a number of his books but this week, it’s Tender Volume 1 which I have been turning too.  The opening chapter where he describes how he transformed his own smallish city garden into a vibrant and productive vegetable patch is wonderful.  I can hear him speaking as I read his words and feel instantly calmed.

So here we go, Monday is looming and like everyone else I will do my utmost to put my best foot forward and embrace what ever the week has to offer.  And if I can find moments of peace and calm within it, then all the better.

Wishing you all the best week possible xx


  1. June 7, 2020 / 9:01 pm

    How well you’ve put how I feel Angie! Limbo is the right word! I have seen our family in various gardens (a wet play session in kingston on Friday afternoon and an even wetter bbq in Ewell on Saturday (thankfully under an enclosed gazebo) but still it feels odd and as though it won’t last xxx

      June 8, 2020 / 7:57 pm

      Its all still odd isn’t it. I know it wont always be like this and cannot wait until we cans see each other properly again xx

  2. Sonya
    June 7, 2020 / 9:17 pm

    Your words are all so familiar Angie “limbo”
    who knows what is for the best ??
    Hopefully this pandemic will not rule what we do and how we do it and we can carry on with all what we enjoy xx
    You of all people deserve a great big hug and kiss from your precious family and friends. I hope and pray that day is very soon .
    Your cooking is amazing!! so pleased you get time to yourself to switch off
    Take care my very dearest old friend so much love and overwhelming pride looking forward to the day we can hug and hug xxxx

      June 8, 2020 / 7:54 pm

      Thank you lovely friend. I cannot wait to see you again, you will definitely get a very big hug when we are next together….soon I hope xxxx

  3. Karen
    June 7, 2020 / 9:53 pm

    Oh Angie, these wobbles keep on coming don’t they? Feeling it with you and looking forward to happy times. This too shall pass. Much love xxx

      June 8, 2020 / 7:53 pm

      They really do. Not sure if I’ll ever be wobble free again! But you are right it shall pass and we shall see each other again and create lots more lovely memories xx

  4. Rach
    June 8, 2020 / 10:41 am

    Love these words Angie (as I love all your posts)… and also very much feel the same (although am very aware that I am in the incredibly privileged position of being safe in my home and not having to be on the frontline like you are). Can’t wait to see you and we will throw hugs at each other! xxxx

      June 8, 2020 / 7:52 pm

      Thank you Rachel. Cant wait to see you too. Lots of thrown hugs coming your way xxx

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