Moments of Calm: Christmas Cards

The last couple of weeks have been filled with work and friends, and social occasions and trying to get ready for Christmas in as calm a way as I can muster.  I admit I haven’t always felt calm.  No matter how much I advocate living a calmer, slower life, there are occasions when this just doesn’t happen, and like everyone else, I get caught up in the busyness of life.

Despite Christmas card writing being an activity I enjoy, I so often I do it in a last minute way, catching the last posting date by the skin of my teeth.  This year I was determined to do it in a calmer and more gentle manner.  I had allocated myself some proper time when I compiled my December list of tasks and activities, and really looked forward to the Sunday afternoon where I was able to sit down and write my cards.

I know for many sending Christmas cards is outdated, but for me an e-greeting or similar will never do.  I enjoy the process of choosing cards and deciding which one to send to which person.  I like having my best pen and a selection of Christmas stickers and washi tape to adorn envelopes, and I like having time to write a little more than the standard ‘Happy Christmas’.

In the first week of December, I spent a whole Sunday afternoon and another weekday evening sat at my dining room table with a large cup of tea, Christmas music playing, and my advent candle burning brightly beside me whilst I happily wrote this years Christmas cards. As each card is written it is impossible not to think of the people I am writing to.  Remembering the last occasion I may have seen them or had contact, is all part of the process and many happy and forgotten memories occur during this time.  So often I write ‘It would be lovely to get together next year’. These words have particular meaning lately and in a pandemic world.

There is tremendous sense of calm that comes as the pile of cards grows larger.  Crisp white and Christmassy red envelopes stacked on top of each other, addresses neatly written, and this years Christmas stamp placed carefully in the corner.

I still have one or two cards to write which will be hand delivered, but mostly my Christmas cards for this year are complete, and have been sent. Dropped into a bright red post box, from where they will be collected and magically transported to their various destinations across the UK. A significant marker in this years calm Christmas preparations.

Wishing you all a calmly festive week X

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